No More Pedestals


Don’t put me on a pedestal, because eventually, I will fall.

Recently, I had a client call me her guru. Something about that term affected me. I work with people to help them discover their own power, and being called a guru felt like she was giving me her power, which I didn’t want.

So, I sat with it for a while. I eventually spoke with her and reminded her that while I am thrilled to be a teacher to her, she is her own guru. She and I are both human beings. While we are Divine, we are not any more Divine than any one else.

When we place a human on the uplifted pedestal of perfection, we surely will be disappointed. Because humans will always behave as humans. Even the most conscious, loving, intentional, practiced person is still just a person. I don’t want my place as a teacher or guide to supersede your own place as your teacher. We all learn from each other, and from ourselves.

Then I remembered that guru literally means “teacher.” I had put so much weight on the word itself, I nearly placed it on a pedestal! I am now grateful that she called me her guru. It feels lovely to be acknowledged as a coach, a teacher. It feels even better to be holding a healing, growing space for you, while acknowledging that we are on the same level. No pedestals allowed.

Chloé Cofresí